Support HTS
The Here to Stay Community Land Trust creates permanently affordable homes in gentrifying areas on Chicago’s northwest side, using homeownership to help to close the racial wealth gap and stop displacement. Logan Square and Avondale have seen the greatest home value increases anywhere in the City. Increases in real estate prices and taxes continue to drive out long time Latinx residents and Here to Stay CLT helps stop this displacement by providing opportunities for homeownership and wealth building.
The community land trust (CLT) model is unique because it requires only a onetime subsidy to create a permanently affordable home for low to moderate income buyers. Here to Stay provides tremendous return on investment compared to other affordable housing tools, for example: $75 - 150k/unit for a land trust home vs. $400k for a low income housing tax credit (LIHTC) unit.
Our need is urgent. Since 2003, over 20,000 Latinx residents have been displaced in Logan Square, Hermosa, Avondale and Humboldt Park, tearing apart the community fabric!
Here are four ways that you can act now to help curb future displacement and build generational wealth in our community by helping to create affordable homeownership.
Donate to Here to Stay, a 501c3 nonprofit (please use the Donate button below).
Donate real estate or sell your home to us at a reduced price so that we can turn it into a permanently affordable home!
Advocate for us – call your elected officials and demand that state funding supports CLTs!
Planned giving – express your commitment to affordable housing by naming Here to Stay in your will or trust.